Credit cards have become an inevitable part of the life. Trying to select credit card which meets your needs as wells keep you away from interest and charges is frightening and time consuming task. The major credit card companies in the market have different rules and regulations for approving a credit card. The offers and rewards, charges and interest rates will vary for each company.
There are several factors to be considered when choosing a credit card like the credit limit, payment options, etc. Below are 16 important aspects to be considered while choosing a credit card which will help you in selecting a card that best suits your needs.
1. The rewards programs offered such as miles, cash back or points.
2. The credit card issuer provides good customer service.
3. The interest charged on purchases.
4. Fees charged when using the card abroad.
5. The insurances offered on purchases made with the card.
6. The benefits offered such as access to tickets' pre-sales or discounts on purchases.
7. Flexibility in payment terms/payment solutions.
8. The credit card types such as classic, gold, platinum, premium.
9. The card is offered by your primary bank.
10. Fees and interests charged on cash advances.
11. The credit limit.
12. The benefits offered such as access to Airport Lounges at airports.
13. The card acceptance and recognition when traveling abroad.
14. The monthly fee charged on the card.
15. The credit card issuer has a good reputation.
16. Channels, places and ways for making monthly payments.
Once you have all the necessary information stated above will able you to make a wise decision to apply for a credit card. Some of the major credit card companies in the U.A.E are following. If you are a UAE resident or planning to change your residence to UAE you can check out at one of these bank and apply for a card.
- Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank
- Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank
- Ajman Bank
- Al Hilal Bank
- Arab Bank
- Bank of Sharjah
- Barclays Bank UAE
- Citibank N.A
- Commercial Bank International PSC
- Commercial Bank of Dubai
- Dubai Bank PJSC
- Dubai First
- Dubai Islamic Bank
- Emirates Islamic Bank
- Emirates NBD
- First Gulf Bank PJSC
- Habib Bank AG Zurich
- HSBC Bank Middle East
- Invest Bank
- Lloyds TSB Bank Plc
- Majid Al Futaim Finance
- Mashreqbank
- National Bank Of Abu Dhabi
- National Bank of Fujairah
- Samba Financial Group
- Sharjah Islamic Bank
- Standard Chartered Bank
- The National Bank of Ras Al Khaimah
- The National Bank of Umm Al-Qaiwain
- Union National Bank
- United Arab Bank
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