Google Glass

Five reasons for wanting the Google Glass

The Google's famous Glass device could be ready by the end of the year at a price of 1,500 euros.

As if it were the one who used the device character Vegeta in the popular manga series "Dragon Ball" Google Glass will be something revolutionary as we have seen this week with a new video that has made ​​us all feel as if we took them.
The price that is being considered in order to compare them, about $ 1,500, is probably overkill, but it should be remembered that the technology that is making strides, will also reduce its purchase price as the society is endorsing. The famous 'Google Goggles' might be ready by the end of this year. In fact, one of the founders of the company and has shown abroad .

The founder of the company, citing developers to talk about Project Glass, test new augmented reality glasses in suburban New York.

The magic of Google Goggles are gaining value, meaning and reality. While the company sent invitations to future events, which we will talk about Glass Project, co-founder Sergey Brin wanted to analyze the functioning of the new lenses in the New York subway.

The weekend is photographed sitting with a prototype of the glasses in question, revolutionary project that is destined to be the star of the company. Test it first hand and their features, according to an image posted on your own network of "microblog" Noah Zerkin Twitter that Grin has made ​​with this device, which may be in the market in 2014.

The Internet giant is giving more details about its research and development of augmented reality glasses. During the coming days, you will be introduced in the world of Google Glass and will have the help of Google engineers who will be at your disposal.

About Zaishan


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