Burning armored car – Tiger showed the "Interpolitex 2012"

Special vehicles for military and police from French designers, updated armored "Tiger" and mobile complex "Aleut" for border guards showed the "Interpolitex 2012." Look at the video footage from the international exhibition in Moscow.

Burning armored car – Tiger showed the "Interpolitex 2012"
Burning armored car – Tiger
The French came to Russia with a whole line of tactical and armored vehicles Sherpa Light. According to the developers, this technique is suitable for landing troops, police and Interior Ministry troops. For each service, they are made ​​in a different configuration.
"This machine seven tons total weight, but it is very maneuverable and has a high cross, can cross the ford deep almost two meters, motor vehicles with protected" - told RIA Novosti director of marketing and communications manufacturer Charles Maisonneuve.
Sherpa cars can drive even the fire suppression system special extinguish the flames on the lid. Russian developers showcased a new version of the armored car "Tiger". The previous models, it features a more powerful engine of domestic production and enhanced mine protection.
"We have raised the level of several mine security by installing seats and installing mine rugs. There are new bolt locks, thanks to them for blowing the doors do not open, and there is no damage to personnel flow into the wave"
The exhibition can be seen as a set of monitoring and mobile ground stations "Aleut" put on the chassis of a two-tier ATV. It has a radar, thermal imaging and video camera. They allow the operator to examine the various targets at distances up to 13 kilometers. The developers claim that the technique can become indispensable to the border guards. Exhibition of State Security "Interpolitex 2012" will run until October 26 and will end on the demonstration of military equipment at the test site in the suburban Krasnoarmeisk.

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